About Williamson County
Republican Party
Keep Wilco Red
The Williamson County Republican Party
The Williamson County Republican Party is a dynamic and growing organization of citizens committed to improving our community. Our Republican elected officials are common-sense conservatives who are committed to preserving the quality of life we enjoy in Williamson County.
Party Officials
Chairwoman – Michelle Evans
Vice Chairman – Bob Cornelius
Secretary – Sonya Ayers
Treasurer – Lisa Crisman
Parliamentarian – Gregory Michelle Noack
The Parliamentarian is experienced with Robert’s Rules of Order and assists the party with interpreting the bylaws and conducting meetings.
Chaplain – Wes Griffin, 512-971-8034, wesg@griffinjacobson.com
The Chaplain shall serve as a spiritual caregiver to members of the EC in times of need, providing religious services, spiritual guidance, and counseling.
Primary Administrator – vacant