About Williamson County

Republican Party

Keep Wilco Red

The Williamson County Republican Party

The Williamson County Republican Party is a dynamic and growing organization of citizens committed to improving our community. Our Republican elected officials are common-sense conservatives who are committed to preserving the quality of life we enjoy in Williamson County.

Party Officials

Chairwoman Michelle Evans

Vice Chairman  Bob Cornelius

Secretary  Sonya Ayers

Treasurer  Lisa Crisman

Parliamentarian  Gregory Michelle Noack

The Parliamentarian is experienced with Robert’s Rules of Order and assists the party with interpreting the bylaws and conducting meetings.

Chaplain  Wes Griffin, 512-971-8034, wesg@griffinjacobson.com

The Chaplain shall serve as a spiritual caregiver to members of the EC in times of need, providing religious services, spiritual guidance, and counseling.

Primary Administrator  vacant
